I would never forget the first sentence with which Louisa May Alcott used to start the world famous novel "Little Women"--"Christmas won't be Christmas without any presents." For us people in the East, Christmas may not arouse some profound feelings as such. Nevertheless, this sentence still can grasp my attention. And I believe many othr people, even though they're not celebrating Christmas, would think alike. Why? It's because "Christmas never has to be the holiday per se." It just metonymically refers to anything that means a lot to an individual; it could be anything.
For me, I would paraphrase Alcott to suit my temperament--"A home won't be a home without a dog." For this reason, my girlfriend and I finally made up our minds to look for a dog for our sweet home. The photo above is a snapshot of Burger and me. Some of you may wonder why I needed to "make up my mind" to have a dog. The explanation to such a question can never be easy for me. This is sort of paradoxical....
I had a dog named Dodo and he had kept me company for many years. Nearly one year after the completion of my master thesis, he left me and my family and would never return. I've lamented his death for quite a long time, and tended to think that I would not get a dog as Dodo is not replaceabe; he is my family, not just a pet. But recently, I come to realize that it's all about karma. Dodo will be living in my memory and never be far away. And now, the karma between Burger and me has arose just now....
保羅恭喜你要結婚囉 看了一下你的相簿 你是跟東吳德文教授謝志偉合影嗎~~ joy
恭喜again喔! --Kate
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