數年後,學到了一個片語叫"light at the end of the tunnel","隧道深處的那道光"用來比喻未來的希望。但是,有人很反骨地在這句後面又加一句,整句卻成了"If you see the light at the end of the tunnel,it's the light of the oncoming train." 當初發明這句話的人,看來是有點小聰明,但是也有點小欠揍。害我現在看到有文章用到"light at the end of the tunnel",我心裡面不自覺跑出後面那句話,感覺連我都變的反骨起來了。這句話感覺好像是個spell,一旦聽過後,你好像就沒辦法不想起他。
另外有一句也有異曲同工之妙,就是"Jack of all trades, but master of none",意思就是"樣樣通,樣樣鬆"。本來光是只有前面那句的時候,那是純粹的稱讚,補了後來那句,前面那句卻成了極有心機的假意稱讚了。
數年後,學到了一個片語叫"light at the end of the tunnel","隧道深處的那道光"用來比喻未來的希望。但是,有人很反骨地在這句後面又加一句,整句卻成了"If you see the light at the end of the tunnel,it's the light of the oncoming train." 當初發明這句話的人,看來是有點小聰明,但是也有點小欠揍。害我現在看到有文章用到"light at the end of the tunnel",我心裡面不自覺跑出後面那句話,感覺連我都變的反骨起來了。這句話感覺好像是個spell,一旦聽過後,你好像就沒辦法不想起他。
另外有一句也有異曲同工之妙,就是"Jack of all trades, but master of none",意思就是"樣樣通,樣樣鬆"。本來光是只有前面那句的時候,那是純粹的稱讚,補了後來那句,前面那句卻成了極有心機的假意稱讚了。
10-Day Free Look
Have you taken out any insurance policies? If so, did your agent(s) tell you you've got 10-day free look. Which means? Which means you may examine your newly issued insurance policies during 10 days, and surrender them in exchange for a full refund of paid premium provided that you're not satisfied with the "products" for any reason.
While insurance is intangible, it is indeed a commodity or a product. It's legally reasonable for you to return the product to the seller during a set period. If your agents choose not to inform you about the free-looking period, that's because they don't want you to surrender policies. It's quite predictable! So, if you're going to meet your agents, just pretend you know nothing about this and see if they would tell you. It's a good way to find out if they're honest.
While insurance is intangible, it is indeed a commodity or a product. It's legally reasonable for you to return the product to the seller during a set period. If your agents choose not to inform you about the free-looking period, that's because they don't want you to surrender policies. It's quite predictable! So, if you're going to meet your agents, just pretend you know nothing about this and see if they would tell you. It's a good way to find out if they're honest.
Flip-side of DCA
I'm a novice for investment fund, so what I got at from my limited experience of investment could well be inaccurate. I'm still anxious to share my opinions notwithstanding running the risk of being so wrong that I could become a laughingstock.
Financial planners are always coaxing people into investing in mutual funds through dollar-cost averaging (DCA). The reason they hold seems quite strong and persuasive--that can help you avoid buying too much when the market(NAV) is high and too little when the market(NAV) is low. As a matter of fact, the reason is one hundred percent accurate; it's self-explanatory if you have basic mathematical savvy. But what is the flip side that few financial planners would mention to their clients? From my monthly account statement, I sadly found that not an installment has a lower net asset value than the first installment. Yes, it's "averaging" my investment, as DCA denotes. But in other words, it's more like "diluting" the returns I should have obtained if I had adopted lump-sum investing (LSI) strategy instead. In only one situation, I guess, can DCA beat LSI,i.e. the market has been plunging for a long period so that you cumulate lots of your funds at quite low NAV each fund unit.
Financial planners are always coaxing people into investing in mutual funds through dollar-cost averaging (DCA). The reason they hold seems quite strong and persuasive--that can help you avoid buying too much when the market(NAV) is high and too little when the market(NAV) is low. As a matter of fact, the reason is one hundred percent accurate; it's self-explanatory if you have basic mathematical savvy. But what is the flip side that few financial planners would mention to their clients? From my monthly account statement, I sadly found that not an installment has a lower net asset value than the first installment. Yes, it's "averaging" my investment, as DCA denotes. But in other words, it's more like "diluting" the returns I should have obtained if I had adopted lump-sum investing (LSI) strategy instead. In only one situation, I guess, can DCA beat LSI,i.e. the market has been plunging for a long period so that you cumulate lots of your funds at quite low NAV each fund unit.
House-Warming Party
We threw a house-warming party for my youngest brother yesterday. His newly bought apartment is located in Taichung City. If you look through the windows of the living room, the High Speed Rail (HSR) immediately comes into view. The apartment is on the 5th floor, not high but with quite a nice view.
The area measures around 27 pings ('ping' is romanized from a Japanese unit '坪(Tsubo),' which is equivalent to 3.306 square meters or equivalent to 2 tatami matts.) So, 27 pings measure around 90 square meters. If one is going to buy an apartment of the same area in Taipei, that will cost him/her at least 4 times the money. Alas, it's like a Sisyphus' rock for us people--rolling up the rock (putting away adequate down payment) and then see the rock falling to where it is (using up most of your savings to pay the installments). This is what life's like. Miserable? I don't know.
The area measures around 27 pings ('ping' is romanized from a Japanese unit '坪(Tsubo),' which is equivalent to 3.306 square meters or equivalent to 2 tatami matts.) So, 27 pings measure around 90 square meters. If one is going to buy an apartment of the same area in Taipei, that will cost him/her at least 4 times the money. Alas, it's like a Sisyphus' rock for us people--rolling up the rock (putting away adequate down payment) and then see the rock falling to where it is (using up most of your savings to pay the installments). This is what life's like. Miserable? I don't know.
Pan's Labyrinth
Pan's Labyrinth is a winner of 3 Academy Awards--"Best Cinematography," "Best Art Direction," and "Best Makeup." It seems to me that only the achivements in the film's 'form' were greatly appreciated. After seeing the film, I was quite surprised at the result; I would have thought that it should have been awarded with a few other honors for its 'content.'
It looks like a gothic fairy tale, but it's not just that! Rather, it's a juxtaposition of Postwar Spain/the Labyrinth, Adults' World/Children's World, Confinement/Escape, etc. Do the Labyrinth and the faun really exist? Maybe they do, and maybe they are just Ofelia's dreamy products that do not exist. The fairies and the assigned missions altogether could be thought of as the powerless girl's hope for a way out of cruelty and meaninglessness.
Her death lends itself to ending the film as a token of redemption. And if you would rather deem it to be a fairy tale, then she finally gets the last mission done and will live a happy life hereafter as a princess in the fairy world. Through the juxtaposition, an audience can easily see the contrast and the tension.
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